Archive for the ‘photography/imaging’ Category

Dawson Forest, AKA Georgia Nuclear Aircraft Laboratory

September 21, 2010

I’m a bit of a conspiracy theorist at heart, and I love stories about secret facilities and whatnot. Today I was reading the and stumbled across an article that mentioned one, which lead me down this path of discovery. To be clear I don’t think there is really any conspiracy here, but it is interesting to know that a secret test facility is close.

This is the first thing I found that started this whole bit of research:

Dawson Forest is owned by City of Atlanta and is planned for a water reservoir or a 2nd airport:

Which used to be the site of the Georgia Nuclear Aircraft Laboratory

This is a link to the history of the testing facility:

Another link to the history, summary basically:

Youtube video about the facility

Here are some flickr pictures about it (some very good ones):

Some more pics in this page:

Some dude’s blog post about it:

Some more pictures and a map:,-84.16832%29&z=13 link with a bunch of stuff:

Some videos from a guy who went there:

Facebook page about it:

Geocache site with some pics:

Link to a pdf about the radiation measurements:

Affect on pine beetles:

Time Magazine article on the pines:,9171,895712,00.html

Pictures (old ones)

More pictures from satellite:

pics posted: house updates – laundry room

January 4, 2010

David and I put tile in the laundry room to replace the 25 year old linoleum, then painted the walls and cleaned it up.

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pics posted: Sarah’s old scans

January 4, 2010

Sarah scanned some old pictures of her and some friends and I posted them.

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pics posted: Monkey Joe’s trip

January 4, 2010

All kids must go to Monkey Joe’s.

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pics posted: Beeno races

January 4, 2010

Here are the pictures from the annual Beeno Races/Apple squeezin & Corn Grinding at the Porter farm.

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pics posted: Thanksgiving 2009

January 4, 2010

Here are our pictures from Thanksgiving dinners.

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pics posted: Christmas 2009

January 4, 2010

Here are pictures of our misc parties for Christmas 2009.

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pics posted: house updates – yard progress

January 4, 2010

Here are some pics of the latest in the yard.. bringing in dirt, making it flat, and grading it to where the water doesn’t run towards the house.

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pics posted: fall/winter kid pictures

January 4, 2010

The kids do grow up fast.. here’s the latest batch of pictures.


pics posted: Savannah Beach Vacation

January 4, 2010

We took the family to Savannah, GA for a vacation this year and had a lot of fun. Here are pictures.

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